Gets all the invoice daily rated usage line items of an invoice for a reseller, using pagination.

GET /v1/Invoices/{id}/reseller-dailyratedusage-lineitems

Returns a subset of the invoice daily rated usage items of an invoice on each request for the reseller. Pass the continuation token in the headers to obtain the remaining items. Available to the roles: reseller


  • This header should not be set when the first page is desired. For the second page and onwards, pass the continuation token received in the response body.

  • X-Tenant string Required

    The domain used to access the portal.

  • Authorization string Required

    JWT Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. Example: "Authorization: Bearer {token}"

    Default value is Bearer eyJ0eXAiO....

  • X-Correlation-Id string(UUID)

    This header is optional and by setting it you can correlate the audit logs made by this request.

Path parameters

  • id string(uuid) Required

    The id of the invoice.

Query parameters

  • pageSize integer(int32) Required

    The number of items to be returned at max per page. The size can range between 1 and 2000.


  • The request completed with success and returns the line items and the continuation token (if applicable).

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items in this particular seek operation.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • id string(uuid)

        The id that uniquely identifies a daily rated usage invoice line item.

      • customerProviderId string | null

        The id of customer on the provider's side associated with the charge.

      • billingCurrency string | null

        The billing currency code, in 3 letter format.

      • customerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the customer associated with this charge. Can be null, for example when the CSP removed the relationship with the customer on the provider side and the customer wasn't in our system when that happened.

      • customerName string | null

        The company name of the customer.

      • customerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the customer associated with this charge.

      • subscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the subscription associated with the charge. Can be null, for example when the CSP removed the relationship with the customer on the provider side and the subscription wasn't in our system when that happened.

      • The id of the subscription associated with this charge on the provider's side.

      • subscriptionName string | null

        The friendly name of the subscription.

      • The internal id of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • entitlementId string | null

        The id of the azure subscription associated to the charge.

      • The name of the azure subscription associated to the charge.

      • resourceGroup string | null

        The name of the resource group associated to the charge.

      • pecAwarded boolean

        A boolean value indicating if the PEC was awarded on this charge.

      • subtotalForReseller number(double) | null

        The cost the reseller pays for the subscription on this charge before taxes.

      • subtotalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The price the customer pays for the subscription on this charge before taxes.

      • The margin rule and value applied at the customer level. If there is a price margin applied at the offer category, then that is the one chosen. However, if the subscription price margin is set, then it overrides this one.

      • customerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The margin value applied at the customer level. If there is a price margin applied at the offer category, then that is the one chosen.

      • The margin rule applied at the subscription level (can be null). This margin overrides the customer's price margin, if it is set. We still show both the customer and subscription price margin.

      • subscriptionPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The margin value applied at the subscription level (can be null). This margin overrides the customer's price margin, if it is set. We still show both the customer and subscription price margin.

      • The purchase order number of the subscription associated with this charge.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items. Should not be set if the first page of items is desired.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items in this particular seek operation.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • id string(uuid)

        The id that uniquely identifies a daily rated usage invoice line item.

      • customerProviderId string | null

        The id of customer on the provider's side associated with the charge.

      • billingCurrency string | null

        The billing currency code, in 3 letter format.

      • customerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the customer associated with this charge. Can be null, for example when the CSP removed the relationship with the customer on the provider side and the customer wasn't in our system when that happened.

      • customerName string | null

        The company name of the customer.

      • customerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the customer associated with this charge.

      • subscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the subscription associated with the charge. Can be null, for example when the CSP removed the relationship with the customer on the provider side and the subscription wasn't in our system when that happened.

      • The id of the subscription associated with this charge on the provider's side.

      • subscriptionName string | null

        The friendly name of the subscription.

      • The internal id of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • entitlementId string | null

        The id of the azure subscription associated to the charge.

      • The name of the azure subscription associated to the charge.

      • resourceGroup string | null

        The name of the resource group associated to the charge.

      • pecAwarded boolean

        A boolean value indicating if the PEC was awarded on this charge.

      • subtotalForReseller number(double) | null

        The cost the reseller pays for the subscription on this charge before taxes.

      • subtotalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The price the customer pays for the subscription on this charge before taxes.

      • The margin rule and value applied at the customer level. If there is a price margin applied at the offer category, then that is the one chosen. However, if the subscription price margin is set, then it overrides this one.

      • customerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The margin value applied at the customer level. If there is a price margin applied at the offer category, then that is the one chosen.

      • The margin rule applied at the subscription level (can be null). This margin overrides the customer's price margin, if it is set. We still show both the customer and subscription price margin.

      • subscriptionPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The margin value applied at the subscription level (can be null). This margin overrides the customer's price margin, if it is set. We still show both the customer and subscription price margin.

      • The purchase order number of the subscription associated with this charge.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items. Should not be set if the first page of items is desired.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items in this particular seek operation.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • id string(uuid)

        The id that uniquely identifies a daily rated usage invoice line item.

      • customerProviderId string | null

        The id of customer on the provider's side associated with the charge.

      • billingCurrency string | null

        The billing currency code, in 3 letter format.

      • customerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the customer associated with this charge. Can be null, for example when the CSP removed the relationship with the customer on the provider side and the customer wasn't in our system when that happened.

      • customerName string | null

        The company name of the customer.

      • customerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the customer associated with this charge.

      • subscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the subscription associated with the charge. Can be null, for example when the CSP removed the relationship with the customer on the provider side and the subscription wasn't in our system when that happened.

      • The id of the subscription associated with this charge on the provider's side.

      • subscriptionName string | null

        The friendly name of the subscription.

      • The internal id of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • entitlementId string | null

        The id of the azure subscription associated to the charge.

      • The name of the azure subscription associated to the charge.

      • resourceGroup string | null

        The name of the resource group associated to the charge.

      • pecAwarded boolean

        A boolean value indicating if the PEC was awarded on this charge.

      • subtotalForReseller number(double) | null

        The cost the reseller pays for the subscription on this charge before taxes.

      • subtotalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The price the customer pays for the subscription on this charge before taxes.

      • The margin rule and value applied at the customer level. If there is a price margin applied at the offer category, then that is the one chosen. However, if the subscription price margin is set, then it overrides this one.

      • customerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The margin value applied at the customer level. If there is a price margin applied at the offer category, then that is the one chosen.

      • The margin rule applied at the subscription level (can be null). This margin overrides the customer's price margin, if it is set. We still show both the customer and subscription price margin.

      • subscriptionPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The margin value applied at the subscription level (can be null). This margin overrides the customer's price margin, if it is set. We still show both the customer and subscription price margin.

      • The purchase order number of the subscription associated with this charge.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items. Should not be set if the first page of items is desired.

  • There is an error in the parameters sent in the request.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

  • Please use a valid authorization token.

  • You don't have enough permissions to access this information.

  • The requested daily rated usage invoice does not exist. Any line items previously obtained should be discarded.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

  • A server error has happened during the request. Please try again later or contact support.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

GET /v1/Invoices/{id}/reseller-dailyratedusage-lineitems
curl \
 --request GET{id}/reseller-dailyratedusage-lineitems?pageSize=42 \
 --header "X-ContinuationToken: string" \
 --header "X-Tenant:" \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiO..." \
 --header "X-Correlation-Id: string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "id": "A0D0759D-49C9-49C6-83FA-83C92749CBEB",
      "customerProviderId": "F9C5A7CE-EC5C-4DD9-ADA4-F4DE10DE8E94",
      "billingCurrency": "EUR",
      "customerId": "6BC16733-4A2F-4393-B9F4-89B0AED854C7",
      "customerName": "Customer name",
      "customerInternalId": "CustomerTest",
      "subscriptionId": "58F0AA3E-5152-4C1E-8E39-10D20F908C1F",
      "providerSubscriptionId": "E896E6F0-9BEE-4F3F-9138-38737037A627",
      "subscriptionName": "Azure plan",
      "subscriptionInternalId": "SubscriptionTest",
      "entitlementId": "fd666eca-477d-4f30-95ac-9ff265ce22aa",
      "entitlementDescription": "Subscription-Demo",
      "resourceGroup": "Demo-RG",
      "pecAwarded": true,
      "subtotalForReseller": 96.54238,
      "subtotalForCustomer": 98.015,
      "customerPriceMarginRule": "erpminudiscount",
      "customerPriceMargin": 0,
      "subscriptionPriceMarginRule": "erpminudiscount",
      "subscriptionPriceMargin": 0,
      "subscriptionPONumber": "8543943821"
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "id": "A0D0759D-49C9-49C6-83FA-83C92749CBEB",
      "customerProviderId": "F9C5A7CE-EC5C-4DD9-ADA4-F4DE10DE8E94",
      "billingCurrency": "EUR",
      "customerId": "6BC16733-4A2F-4393-B9F4-89B0AED854C7",
      "customerName": "Customer name",
      "customerInternalId": "CustomerTest",
      "subscriptionId": "58F0AA3E-5152-4C1E-8E39-10D20F908C1F",
      "providerSubscriptionId": "E896E6F0-9BEE-4F3F-9138-38737037A627",
      "subscriptionName": "Azure plan",
      "subscriptionInternalId": "SubscriptionTest",
      "entitlementId": "fd666eca-477d-4f30-95ac-9ff265ce22aa",
      "entitlementDescription": "Subscription-Demo",
      "resourceGroup": "Demo-RG",
      "pecAwarded": true,
      "subtotalForReseller": 96.54238,
      "subtotalForCustomer": 98.015,
      "customerPriceMarginRule": "erpminudiscount",
      "customerPriceMargin": 0,
      "subscriptionPriceMarginRule": "erpminudiscount",
      "subscriptionPriceMargin": 0,
      "subscriptionPONumber": "8543943821"
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 400,
  "type": "ValidationException",
  "description": "Validation failed: \\n -- PageSize: The page size must be between 1 and 2000 Severity: Error",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 400,
  "type": "ValidationException",
  "description": "Validation failed: \\n -- PageSize: The page size must be between 1 and 2000 Severity: Error",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (404)
  "statusCode": 404,
  "type": "EntityNotFoundException",
  "description": "No providers found for the tenant.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (404)
  "statusCode": 404,
  "type": "EntityNotFoundException",
  "description": "No providers found for the tenant.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 500,
  "type": "NullReferenceException",
  "description": "An error happened processing your request. Please contact support.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 500,
  "type": "NullReferenceException",
  "description": "An error happened processing your request. Please contact support.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"