List all active Orders

GET /v1/Orders/customers/{customerId}

Returns a list of this customers active orders. This includes all orders that do not have the status Completed. The orders are returned sorted by the specified created date, with the most recent orders appearing first.


  • X-Tenant string Required

    This header identifies which tenant to access with this request. This value should be an existent domain for the specified tenant.

  • Authorization string Required

    JWT Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. Example: "Authorization: Bearer {token}"

    Default value is Bearer eyJ0eXAiO....

  • X-Correlation-Id string(UUID)

    This header is optional and by setting it you can correlate the audit logs made by this request.

Path parameters

  • customerId string(uuid) Required

    The GUID identifier for the customer.

Query parameters

  • pageNumber integer(int32)

    A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. The default value is 1.

  • pageSize integer(int32)

    The number of objects to be returned at each page. The size can range between 1 and 2000, and the default is 25.

  • The name of the property to sort the orders by. Currently no possible values.

  • if set to true [ascending order].

  • resellerId string(uuid)

    The GUID identifier for the reseller.


  • Success

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    Helper class to be used on paged collection entities

    • items array[object] | null

      The items for this page.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object

      View model that represents an order.

      • id string(uuid)

        The GUID identifier for the order.

      • offerId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the offer.

      • customerId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the customer.

      • resellerId string(uuid) | null

        The GUID identifier for the reseller.

      • providerInstanceId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the provider instance.

      • subscriptionName string | null Required

        The name to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • termDuration object Required

        The term duration for this entity. Possible values: NoTerm, OneMonth, OneYear, ThreeYears or FiveYears

        Hide termDuration attributes Show termDuration attributes object
      • billingFrequency object Required

        The billing frequency for this entity. Possible values: OneTime, Monthly, Annual, Triennial or None

        Hide billingFrequency attributes Show billingFrequency attributes object
      • segment object Required

        The offer segment. Possible values: Commercial, Education, Government or NonProfit

        Hide segment attributes Show segment attributes object
      • operation object Required

        The order operation type. Possible values: CreateSubscription

        Hide operation attributes Show operation attributes object
      • quantity integer(int32) Required

        The quantity of licenses to provision for this order.

      • This value object contains the price margin for this entity.

        Hide subscriptionMargin attributes Show subscriptionMargin attributes object
      • The internal identifier to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • poNumber string | null

        The po number to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • The flag indicating if we want to create the subscription in this order with auto renew enabled or not.

      • status object Required

        The status of the order. Possible values: Processing, Provisioning, Completed or Failed

        Hide status attributes Show status attributes object
      • createdDate string(date-time)

        The date in which this order was created.

      • providerData string | null

        The provider specific data for this order. For generic provider subscriptions, this should not be set.

      • parentSubscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The GUID identifier for the parent subscription of this order.

      • errorMessage string | null

        The error message if status is failed.

    • A model that is used to encapsulate the parameters needed to perform pagination queries.

      Hide paginationParameters attributes Show paginationParameters attributes object
    • totalPages integer(int32)

      The total number of pages available for the specified parameters and page size.

    • totalCount integer(int32)

      The total number of results available for the specified parameters. Note this is typically not equal to the Count of items in the Items property, will only be equal if all the items fit in the first page.

    • Indicates if there is a previous page.

    • Indicates if there is a next page.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    Helper class to be used on paged collection entities

    • items array[object] | null

      The items for this page.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object

      View model that represents an order.

      • id string(uuid)

        The GUID identifier for the order.

      • offerId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the offer.

      • customerId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the customer.

      • resellerId string(uuid) | null

        The GUID identifier for the reseller.

      • providerInstanceId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the provider instance.

      • subscriptionName string | null Required

        The name to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • termDuration object Required

        The term duration for this entity. Possible values: NoTerm, OneMonth, OneYear, ThreeYears or FiveYears

        Hide termDuration attributes Show termDuration attributes object
      • billingFrequency object Required

        The billing frequency for this entity. Possible values: OneTime, Monthly, Annual, Triennial or None

        Hide billingFrequency attributes Show billingFrequency attributes object
      • segment object Required

        The offer segment. Possible values: Commercial, Education, Government or NonProfit

        Hide segment attributes Show segment attributes object
      • operation object Required

        The order operation type. Possible values: CreateSubscription

        Hide operation attributes Show operation attributes object
      • quantity integer(int32) Required

        The quantity of licenses to provision for this order.

      • This value object contains the price margin for this entity.

        Hide subscriptionMargin attributes Show subscriptionMargin attributes object
      • The internal identifier to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • poNumber string | null

        The po number to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • The flag indicating if we want to create the subscription in this order with auto renew enabled or not.

      • status object Required

        The status of the order. Possible values: Processing, Provisioning, Completed or Failed

        Hide status attributes Show status attributes object
      • createdDate string(date-time)

        The date in which this order was created.

      • providerData string | null

        The provider specific data for this order. For generic provider subscriptions, this should not be set.

      • parentSubscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The GUID identifier for the parent subscription of this order.

      • errorMessage string | null

        The error message if status is failed.

    • A model that is used to encapsulate the parameters needed to perform pagination queries.

      Hide paginationParameters attributes Show paginationParameters attributes object
    • totalPages integer(int32)

      The total number of pages available for the specified parameters and page size.

    • totalCount integer(int32)

      The total number of results available for the specified parameters. Note this is typically not equal to the Count of items in the Items property, will only be equal if all the items fit in the first page.

    • Indicates if there is a previous page.

    • Indicates if there is a next page.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    Helper class to be used on paged collection entities

    • items array[object] | null

      The items for this page.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object

      View model that represents an order.

      • id string(uuid)

        The GUID identifier for the order.

      • offerId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the offer.

      • customerId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the customer.

      • resellerId string(uuid) | null

        The GUID identifier for the reseller.

      • providerInstanceId string(uuid) Required

        The GUID identifier for the provider instance.

      • subscriptionName string | null Required

        The name to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • termDuration object Required

        The term duration for this entity. Possible values: NoTerm, OneMonth, OneYear, ThreeYears or FiveYears

        Hide termDuration attributes Show termDuration attributes object
      • billingFrequency object Required

        The billing frequency for this entity. Possible values: OneTime, Monthly, Annual, Triennial or None

        Hide billingFrequency attributes Show billingFrequency attributes object
      • segment object Required

        The offer segment. Possible values: Commercial, Education, Government or NonProfit

        Hide segment attributes Show segment attributes object
      • operation object Required

        The order operation type. Possible values: CreateSubscription

        Hide operation attributes Show operation attributes object
      • quantity integer(int32) Required

        The quantity of licenses to provision for this order.

      • This value object contains the price margin for this entity.

        Hide subscriptionMargin attributes Show subscriptionMargin attributes object
      • The internal identifier to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • poNumber string | null

        The po number to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.

      • The flag indicating if we want to create the subscription in this order with auto renew enabled or not.

      • status object Required

        The status of the order. Possible values: Processing, Provisioning, Completed or Failed

        Hide status attributes Show status attributes object
      • createdDate string(date-time)

        The date in which this order was created.

      • providerData string | null

        The provider specific data for this order. For generic provider subscriptions, this should not be set.

      • parentSubscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The GUID identifier for the parent subscription of this order.

      • errorMessage string | null

        The error message if status is failed.

    • A model that is used to encapsulate the parameters needed to perform pagination queries.

      Hide paginationParameters attributes Show paginationParameters attributes object
    • totalPages integer(int32)

      The total number of pages available for the specified parameters and page size.

    • totalCount integer(int32)

      The total number of results available for the specified parameters. Note this is typically not equal to the Count of items in the Items property, will only be equal if all the items fit in the first page.

    • Indicates if there is a previous page.

    • Indicates if there is a next page.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items.

  • Bad Request

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    This class represents the response which is returned to consumers in case of an error, containing details about it, as well as the correlationId of the performed request so that consumers can supply us that id for us to provide support.

    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object

      This class is used to represent the details of an error and specifies the name of the property and the description of each of the errors associated with that property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    This class represents the response which is returned to consumers in case of an error, containing details about it, as well as the correlationId of the performed request so that consumers can supply us that id for us to provide support.

    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object

      This class is used to represent the details of an error and specifies the name of the property and the description of each of the errors associated with that property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    This class represents the response which is returned to consumers in case of an error, containing details about it, as well as the correlationId of the performed request so that consumers can supply us that id for us to provide support.

    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object

      This class is used to represent the details of an error and specifies the name of the property and the description of each of the errors associated with that property.

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Server Error

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    This class represents the response which is returned to consumers in case of an error, containing details about it, as well as the correlationId of the performed request so that consumers can supply us that id for us to provide support.

    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object

      This class is used to represent the details of an error and specifies the name of the property and the description of each of the errors associated with that property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    This class represents the response which is returned to consumers in case of an error, containing details about it, as well as the correlationId of the performed request so that consumers can supply us that id for us to provide support.

    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object

      This class is used to represent the details of an error and specifies the name of the property and the description of each of the errors associated with that property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    This class represents the response which is returned to consumers in case of an error, containing details about it, as well as the correlationId of the performed request so that consumers can supply us that id for us to provide support.

    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object

      This class is used to represent the details of an error and specifies the name of the property and the description of each of the errors associated with that property.

GET /v1/Orders/customers/{customerId}
curl \
 -X GET{customerId} \
 -H "X-Tenant: string" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiO..." \
 -H "X-Correlation-Id: string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "id": "string",
      "offerId": "string",
      "customerId": "string",
      "resellerId": "string",
      "providerInstanceId": "string",
      "subscriptionName": "string",
      "termDuration": {
        "name": "string"
      "billingFrequency": {
        "name": "string"
      "segment": {
        "name": "string"
      "operation": {
        "name": "string"
      "quantity": 42,
      "subscriptionMargin": {
        "marginRule": {
          "name": "string"
        "value": 8
      "subscriptionInternalId": "string",
      "poNumber": "string",
      "autoRenewEnabled": true,
      "status": {
        "name": "string"
      "createdDate": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "providerData": "string",
      "parentSubscriptionId": "string",
      "errorMessage": "string"
  "paginationParameters": {
    "pageNumber": 42,
    "pageSize": 42
  "totalPages": 42,
  "totalCount": 42,
  "hasPreviousPage": true,
  "hasNextPage": true,
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "id": "string",
      "offerId": "string",
      "customerId": "string",
      "resellerId": "string",
      "providerInstanceId": "string",
      "subscriptionName": "string",
      "termDuration": {
        "name": "string"
      "billingFrequency": {
        "name": "string"
      "segment": {
        "name": "string"
      "operation": {
        "name": "string"
      "quantity": 42,
      "subscriptionMargin": {
        "marginRule": {
          "name": "string"
        "value": 8
      "subscriptionInternalId": "string",
      "poNumber": "string",
      "autoRenewEnabled": true,
      "status": {
        "name": "string"
      "createdDate": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "providerData": "string",
      "parentSubscriptionId": "string",
      "errorMessage": "string"
  "paginationParameters": {
    "pageNumber": 42,
    "pageSize": 42
  "totalPages": 42,
  "totalCount": 42,
  "hasPreviousPage": true,
  "hasNextPage": true,
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [