Gets all the invoice one time line items of an invoice, using pagination.

GET /v1/Invoices/{id}/onetime-lineitems

Returns a subset of the invoice one time line items of an invoice on each request. Pass the continuation token in the headers to obtain the remaining items. Available to the roles: csp


  • This header should not be set when the first page is desired. For the second page and onwards, pass the continuation token received in the response body.

  • X-Tenant string Required

    The domain used to access the portal.

  • Authorization string Required

    JWT Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. Example: "Authorization: Bearer {token}"

    Default value is Bearer eyJ0eXAiO....

  • X-Correlation-Id string(UUID)

    This header is optional and by setting it you can correlate the audit logs made by this request.

Path parameters

  • id string(uuid) Required

    The id of the invoice.

Query parameters

  • pageSize integer(int32) Required

    The number of items to be returned at max per page. The size can range between 1 and 2000.


  • The request completed with success and returns the line items and the continuation token (if applicable).

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items in this particular seek operation.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • resellerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the reseller associated to this charge. Can be null.

      • resellerName string | null

        The name of the reseller.

      • resellerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the reseller associated with this charge.

      • customerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the customer associated to this charge. Can be null.

      • customerName string | null

        The name of the customer.

      • customerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the customer associated with this charge.

      • subscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the subscription associated to the charge. Can be null.

      • subscriptionName string | null

        The name of the subscription.

      • The internal id of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • offerProviderId string | null

        The offer id on the provider's side that identifies the subscription associated to the charge.

      • offerName string | null

        The name of the offer associated to the subscription.

      • The purchase order number of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • orderId string | null

        The id that identifies the order associated to the charge.

      • orderDate string(date-time) | null

        The date the order was placed.

      • customerCountry string | null

        The country in which the customer is located.

      • currency string | null

        The currency associated with the line item.

      • chargeType string | null

        The type of charge on this line item. Possible values for the Microsoft provider include:

        • new: When you buy a new subscription.
        • renew: When you renew your subscription.
        • cycleCharge: Regular recurring charges for your subscription.
        • addQuantity: Refunds and charges when you add seats.
        • removeQuantity: Refunds and charges when you remove seats.
        • moveQuantity: When you upgrade to an existing subscription.
        • cancelImmediate: When you cancel your subscription.
        • convert: When you change from a free trial to a paid subscription or upgrade to a new subscription.
        • changeBillingPlan: Changing from monthly to yearly billing or vice versa.
        • customerCredit: Credits for Azure, SLA, among others.
        • extendTerm: When you are given a longer trial period.
      • termAndBillingCycle string | null

        The term and billing cycle associated with this purchase.

      • chargeStartDate string(date-time)

        The billing start date for this charge.

      • chargeEndDate string(date-time)

        The billing end date for this charge.

      • unitType string | null

        The type of the unit.

      • unitPrice number(double)

        The price as published in the pricelist at the time of purchase.

      • unitPriceForReseller number(double) | null

        The unit price for reseller.

      • unitPriceForCustomer number(double) | null

        The unit price for customer.

      • quantity number(double)

        The number of units purchased.

      • subtotal number(double)

        The total before taxes.

      • subtotalForReseller number(double) | null

        The total before taxes for the reseller.

      • subtotalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The total before taxes for the customer.

      • tax number(double)

        The tax value.

      • taxForReseller number(double) | null

        The tax value for the reseller.

      • taxForCustomer number(double) | null

        The tax value for the customer.

      • total number(double)

        The total after taxes.

      • totalForReseller number(double) | null

        The total for reseller after taxes.

      • totalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The total for customer after taxes.

      • id string(uuid)

        The id that uniquely identifies a one time invoice line item.

      • resellerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The reseller price margin according to ResellerPriceMarginRule.

      • pricingCurrency string | null

        The currency of the UnitPrice, UnitPriceForReseller and UnitPriceForCustomer. This currency may differ from the invoice billing currency.

      • billingFrequency string | null

        The billing cycle of the subscription associated to the charge. Can also be empty.

      • billableQuantity number(double)

        The amount of units billed.

      • The reseller price margin rule.

      • customerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The customer price margin according to CustomerPriceMarginRule.

      • The customer price margin rule.

      • subscriptionPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The subscription price margin according to SubscriptionPriceMarginRule.

      • The subscription price margin rule.

      • providerData object | null

        A dictionary that maps from strings to strings that contains specific provider invoice data.

        If this line item is associated to a Microsoft invoice then there are a set of properties that are common to each charge: PartnerId: The tenant id of the CSP in Microsoft. CustomerDomainName: The domain of the customer. InvoiceNumber: The id of the invoice in Microsoft. MpnId: The mpn id of the CSP. ProductId: The id of the product of the line item. SkuId: The id of the sku of the line item. AvailabilityId: The id of the availability of the line item. ProductName: The name of the product. SkuName: The name of the sku. PublisherName: The name of the publisher of the sku. PublisherId: The id of the publisher of the sku. AlternateId: The alternate id. MeterDescription: The description of the meter of the line item. ReferenceId: The reference id of the line item. ProductQualifiers: Any qualifiers of the sku, such as indicating if it is a trial.

        The following properties only appear in some types of charges, see below: CustomerCountry: The country of the customer associated to the charge in two letter ISO format, example: "PT". ResellerMpnId: The mpn id of the reseller associated to the charge. If no reseller is associated then this property is not present, example: "6286". PriceAdjustmentDescription: A list of strings representing reasons for list price adjustments, for example when Partner Earned Credit is granted, example: "["Price for given term"]". If no adjustments were made then this property is not present. PCToBCExchangeRate: A decimal value used to convert the ListPrice from the pricing currency to the invoice currency, example: "0.9510675734". PCToBCExchangeRateDate: The date of the above exchange rate. CreditReasonCode: The reason for azure credits, example: "Azure Credit". EffectiveUnitPrice: The actual price billed per single quantity after the adjustments described in PriceAdjustmentDescription, example: "30.95". PromotionId: The id of the promotion that was used to bill the NCE license charge example: "39NFJQT1PGVJ:004S:39NFJQT1Q5Z1". If no promotion was applied then this property is not present. ReservationOrderId: For Azure Savings Plan this property corresponds to the savings plan order id on the Azure platform, example: "2D0D3389-D0D9-44D2-8BB4-441F5CD6D8CC". For Azure reservations this is the reservation order id, example: "8A05BC26-0542-4B6F-B97F-ECA5BAC54E9E". Term: The term applied to NCE license charges. Possible values include: "onemonth", "oneyear", "threeyears".

        For Azure plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, CreditReasonCode, EffectiveUnitPrice. For Azure savings plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, ReservationOrderId. For Azure reservation the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, CreditReasonCode, ReservationOrderId. For NCE license the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, PromotionId, Term. For software/perpetual software the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice.

        Hide providerData attribute Show providerData attribute object | null
        • * string | null Additional properties
      • erpPrice number(double)

        The ERP for the whole term of the subscription associated to the charge, at the time indicated in SubscriptionStartDate.

      • erpProrated number(double) | null

        The actual ERP used on the charge taking in to account if the charge is a prorated one. This value can be negative when we are dealing with refunds/credits.

      • customerProviderId string | null

        The id of customer on the provider's side associated to this charge.

      • The id of the subscription associated to this charge on the provider's side.

      • subscriptionStartDate string(date-time) | null

        The start date of billing for the subscription. This value can change once a subscription renews. If it renews, then on the next invoice this property is updated too.

      • subscriptionEndDate string(date-time) | null

        The end date of the term of the subscription.

      • productType string | null

        The type of the offer associated with this charge. Possible values:

        • license.
        • softwaresubscription.
        • perpetualsoftware.
        • azureplan.
        • azurereservation.
        • azurelegacy.
        • azuresavingsplan.
    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items. Should not be set if the first page of items is desired.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items in this particular seek operation.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • resellerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the reseller associated to this charge. Can be null.

      • resellerName string | null

        The name of the reseller.

      • resellerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the reseller associated with this charge.

      • customerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the customer associated to this charge. Can be null.

      • customerName string | null

        The name of the customer.

      • customerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the customer associated with this charge.

      • subscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the subscription associated to the charge. Can be null.

      • subscriptionName string | null

        The name of the subscription.

      • The internal id of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • offerProviderId string | null

        The offer id on the provider's side that identifies the subscription associated to the charge.

      • offerName string | null

        The name of the offer associated to the subscription.

      • The purchase order number of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • orderId string | null

        The id that identifies the order associated to the charge.

      • orderDate string(date-time) | null

        The date the order was placed.

      • customerCountry string | null

        The country in which the customer is located.

      • currency string | null

        The currency associated with the line item.

      • chargeType string | null

        The type of charge on this line item. Possible values for the Microsoft provider include:

        • new: When you buy a new subscription.
        • renew: When you renew your subscription.
        • cycleCharge: Regular recurring charges for your subscription.
        • addQuantity: Refunds and charges when you add seats.
        • removeQuantity: Refunds and charges when you remove seats.
        • moveQuantity: When you upgrade to an existing subscription.
        • cancelImmediate: When you cancel your subscription.
        • convert: When you change from a free trial to a paid subscription or upgrade to a new subscription.
        • changeBillingPlan: Changing from monthly to yearly billing or vice versa.
        • customerCredit: Credits for Azure, SLA, among others.
        • extendTerm: When you are given a longer trial period.
      • termAndBillingCycle string | null

        The term and billing cycle associated with this purchase.

      • chargeStartDate string(date-time)

        The billing start date for this charge.

      • chargeEndDate string(date-time)

        The billing end date for this charge.

      • unitType string | null

        The type of the unit.

      • unitPrice number(double)

        The price as published in the pricelist at the time of purchase.

      • unitPriceForReseller number(double) | null

        The unit price for reseller.

      • unitPriceForCustomer number(double) | null

        The unit price for customer.

      • quantity number(double)

        The number of units purchased.

      • subtotal number(double)

        The total before taxes.

      • subtotalForReseller number(double) | null

        The total before taxes for the reseller.

      • subtotalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The total before taxes for the customer.

      • tax number(double)

        The tax value.

      • taxForReseller number(double) | null

        The tax value for the reseller.

      • taxForCustomer number(double) | null

        The tax value for the customer.

      • total number(double)

        The total after taxes.

      • totalForReseller number(double) | null

        The total for reseller after taxes.

      • totalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The total for customer after taxes.

      • id string(uuid)

        The id that uniquely identifies a one time invoice line item.

      • resellerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The reseller price margin according to ResellerPriceMarginRule.

      • pricingCurrency string | null

        The currency of the UnitPrice, UnitPriceForReseller and UnitPriceForCustomer. This currency may differ from the invoice billing currency.

      • billingFrequency string | null

        The billing cycle of the subscription associated to the charge. Can also be empty.

      • billableQuantity number(double)

        The amount of units billed.

      • The reseller price margin rule.

      • customerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The customer price margin according to CustomerPriceMarginRule.

      • The customer price margin rule.

      • subscriptionPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The subscription price margin according to SubscriptionPriceMarginRule.

      • The subscription price margin rule.

      • providerData object | null

        A dictionary that maps from strings to strings that contains specific provider invoice data.

        If this line item is associated to a Microsoft invoice then there are a set of properties that are common to each charge: PartnerId: The tenant id of the CSP in Microsoft. CustomerDomainName: The domain of the customer. InvoiceNumber: The id of the invoice in Microsoft. MpnId: The mpn id of the CSP. ProductId: The id of the product of the line item. SkuId: The id of the sku of the line item. AvailabilityId: The id of the availability of the line item. ProductName: The name of the product. SkuName: The name of the sku. PublisherName: The name of the publisher of the sku. PublisherId: The id of the publisher of the sku. AlternateId: The alternate id. MeterDescription: The description of the meter of the line item. ReferenceId: The reference id of the line item. ProductQualifiers: Any qualifiers of the sku, such as indicating if it is a trial.

        The following properties only appear in some types of charges, see below: CustomerCountry: The country of the customer associated to the charge in two letter ISO format, example: "PT". ResellerMpnId: The mpn id of the reseller associated to the charge. If no reseller is associated then this property is not present, example: "6286". PriceAdjustmentDescription: A list of strings representing reasons for list price adjustments, for example when Partner Earned Credit is granted, example: "["Price for given term"]". If no adjustments were made then this property is not present. PCToBCExchangeRate: A decimal value used to convert the ListPrice from the pricing currency to the invoice currency, example: "0.9510675734". PCToBCExchangeRateDate: The date of the above exchange rate. CreditReasonCode: The reason for azure credits, example: "Azure Credit". EffectiveUnitPrice: The actual price billed per single quantity after the adjustments described in PriceAdjustmentDescription, example: "30.95". PromotionId: The id of the promotion that was used to bill the NCE license charge example: "39NFJQT1PGVJ:004S:39NFJQT1Q5Z1". If no promotion was applied then this property is not present. ReservationOrderId: For Azure Savings Plan this property corresponds to the savings plan order id on the Azure platform, example: "2D0D3389-D0D9-44D2-8BB4-441F5CD6D8CC". For Azure reservations this is the reservation order id, example: "8A05BC26-0542-4B6F-B97F-ECA5BAC54E9E". Term: The term applied to NCE license charges. Possible values include: "onemonth", "oneyear", "threeyears".

        For Azure plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, CreditReasonCode, EffectiveUnitPrice. For Azure savings plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, ReservationOrderId. For Azure reservation the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, CreditReasonCode, ReservationOrderId. For NCE license the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, PromotionId, Term. For software/perpetual software the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice.

        Hide providerData attribute Show providerData attribute object | null
        • * string | null Additional properties
      • erpPrice number(double)

        The ERP for the whole term of the subscription associated to the charge, at the time indicated in SubscriptionStartDate.

      • erpProrated number(double) | null

        The actual ERP used on the charge taking in to account if the charge is a prorated one. This value can be negative when we are dealing with refunds/credits.

      • customerProviderId string | null

        The id of customer on the provider's side associated to this charge.

      • The id of the subscription associated to this charge on the provider's side.

      • subscriptionStartDate string(date-time) | null

        The start date of billing for the subscription. This value can change once a subscription renews. If it renews, then on the next invoice this property is updated too.

      • subscriptionEndDate string(date-time) | null

        The end date of the term of the subscription.

      • productType string | null

        The type of the offer associated with this charge. Possible values:

        • license.
        • softwaresubscription.
        • perpetualsoftware.
        • azureplan.
        • azurereservation.
        • azurelegacy.
        • azuresavingsplan.
    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items. Should not be set if the first page of items is desired.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items in this particular seek operation.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • resellerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the reseller associated to this charge. Can be null.

      • resellerName string | null

        The name of the reseller.

      • resellerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the reseller associated with this charge.

      • customerId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the customer associated to this charge. Can be null.

      • customerName string | null

        The name of the customer.

      • customerInternalId string | null

        The internal id of the customer associated with this charge.

      • subscriptionId string(uuid) | null

        The id of the subscription associated to the charge. Can be null.

      • subscriptionName string | null

        The name of the subscription.

      • The internal id of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • offerProviderId string | null

        The offer id on the provider's side that identifies the subscription associated to the charge.

      • offerName string | null

        The name of the offer associated to the subscription.

      • The purchase order number of the subscription associated with this charge.

      • orderId string | null

        The id that identifies the order associated to the charge.

      • orderDate string(date-time) | null

        The date the order was placed.

      • customerCountry string | null

        The country in which the customer is located.

      • currency string | null

        The currency associated with the line item.

      • chargeType string | null

        The type of charge on this line item. Possible values for the Microsoft provider include:

        • new: When you buy a new subscription.
        • renew: When you renew your subscription.
        • cycleCharge: Regular recurring charges for your subscription.
        • addQuantity: Refunds and charges when you add seats.
        • removeQuantity: Refunds and charges when you remove seats.
        • moveQuantity: When you upgrade to an existing subscription.
        • cancelImmediate: When you cancel your subscription.
        • convert: When you change from a free trial to a paid subscription or upgrade to a new subscription.
        • changeBillingPlan: Changing from monthly to yearly billing or vice versa.
        • customerCredit: Credits for Azure, SLA, among others.
        • extendTerm: When you are given a longer trial period.
      • termAndBillingCycle string | null

        The term and billing cycle associated with this purchase.

      • chargeStartDate string(date-time)

        The billing start date for this charge.

      • chargeEndDate string(date-time)

        The billing end date for this charge.

      • unitType string | null

        The type of the unit.

      • unitPrice number(double)

        The price as published in the pricelist at the time of purchase.

      • unitPriceForReseller number(double) | null

        The unit price for reseller.

      • unitPriceForCustomer number(double) | null

        The unit price for customer.

      • quantity number(double)

        The number of units purchased.

      • subtotal number(double)

        The total before taxes.

      • subtotalForReseller number(double) | null

        The total before taxes for the reseller.

      • subtotalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The total before taxes for the customer.

      • tax number(double)

        The tax value.

      • taxForReseller number(double) | null

        The tax value for the reseller.

      • taxForCustomer number(double) | null

        The tax value for the customer.

      • total number(double)

        The total after taxes.

      • totalForReseller number(double) | null

        The total for reseller after taxes.

      • totalForCustomer number(double) | null

        The total for customer after taxes.

      • id string(uuid)

        The id that uniquely identifies a one time invoice line item.

      • resellerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The reseller price margin according to ResellerPriceMarginRule.

      • pricingCurrency string | null

        The currency of the UnitPrice, UnitPriceForReseller and UnitPriceForCustomer. This currency may differ from the invoice billing currency.

      • billingFrequency string | null

        The billing cycle of the subscription associated to the charge. Can also be empty.

      • billableQuantity number(double)

        The amount of units billed.

      • The reseller price margin rule.

      • customerPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The customer price margin according to CustomerPriceMarginRule.

      • The customer price margin rule.

      • subscriptionPriceMargin number(double) | null

        The subscription price margin according to SubscriptionPriceMarginRule.

      • The subscription price margin rule.

      • providerData object | null

        A dictionary that maps from strings to strings that contains specific provider invoice data.

        If this line item is associated to a Microsoft invoice then there are a set of properties that are common to each charge: PartnerId: The tenant id of the CSP in Microsoft. CustomerDomainName: The domain of the customer. InvoiceNumber: The id of the invoice in Microsoft. MpnId: The mpn id of the CSP. ProductId: The id of the product of the line item. SkuId: The id of the sku of the line item. AvailabilityId: The id of the availability of the line item. ProductName: The name of the product. SkuName: The name of the sku. PublisherName: The name of the publisher of the sku. PublisherId: The id of the publisher of the sku. AlternateId: The alternate id. MeterDescription: The description of the meter of the line item. ReferenceId: The reference id of the line item. ProductQualifiers: Any qualifiers of the sku, such as indicating if it is a trial.

        The following properties only appear in some types of charges, see below: CustomerCountry: The country of the customer associated to the charge in two letter ISO format, example: "PT". ResellerMpnId: The mpn id of the reseller associated to the charge. If no reseller is associated then this property is not present, example: "6286". PriceAdjustmentDescription: A list of strings representing reasons for list price adjustments, for example when Partner Earned Credit is granted, example: "["Price for given term"]". If no adjustments were made then this property is not present. PCToBCExchangeRate: A decimal value used to convert the ListPrice from the pricing currency to the invoice currency, example: "0.9510675734". PCToBCExchangeRateDate: The date of the above exchange rate. CreditReasonCode: The reason for azure credits, example: "Azure Credit". EffectiveUnitPrice: The actual price billed per single quantity after the adjustments described in PriceAdjustmentDescription, example: "30.95". PromotionId: The id of the promotion that was used to bill the NCE license charge example: "39NFJQT1PGVJ:004S:39NFJQT1Q5Z1". If no promotion was applied then this property is not present. ReservationOrderId: For Azure Savings Plan this property corresponds to the savings plan order id on the Azure platform, example: "2D0D3389-D0D9-44D2-8BB4-441F5CD6D8CC". For Azure reservations this is the reservation order id, example: "8A05BC26-0542-4B6F-B97F-ECA5BAC54E9E". Term: The term applied to NCE license charges. Possible values include: "onemonth", "oneyear", "threeyears".

        For Azure plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, CreditReasonCode, EffectiveUnitPrice. For Azure savings plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, ReservationOrderId. For Azure reservation the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, CreditReasonCode, ReservationOrderId. For NCE license the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, PromotionId, Term. For software/perpetual software the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice.

        Hide providerData attribute Show providerData attribute object | null
        • * string | null Additional properties
      • erpPrice number(double)

        The ERP for the whole term of the subscription associated to the charge, at the time indicated in SubscriptionStartDate.

      • erpProrated number(double) | null

        The actual ERP used on the charge taking in to account if the charge is a prorated one. This value can be negative when we are dealing with refunds/credits.

      • customerProviderId string | null

        The id of customer on the provider's side associated to this charge.

      • The id of the subscription associated to this charge on the provider's side.

      • subscriptionStartDate string(date-time) | null

        The start date of billing for the subscription. This value can change once a subscription renews. If it renews, then on the next invoice this property is updated too.

      • subscriptionEndDate string(date-time) | null

        The end date of the term of the subscription.

      • productType string | null

        The type of the offer associated with this charge. Possible values:

        • license.
        • softwaresubscription.
        • perpetualsoftware.
        • azureplan.
        • azurereservation.
        • azurelegacy.
        • azuresavingsplan.
    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items. Should not be set if the first page of items is desired.

  • There is an error in the parameters sent in the request.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

  • Please use a valid authorization token.

  • You don't have enough permissions to access this information.

  • The requested onetime invoice does not exist. Any line items previously obtained should be discarded.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

  • A server error has happened during the request. Please try again later or contact support.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

GET /v1/Invoices/{id}/onetime-lineitems
curl \
 --request GET{id}/onetime-lineitems?pageSize=42 \
 --header "X-ContinuationToken: string" \
 --header "X-Tenant:" \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiO..." \
 --header "X-Correlation-Id: string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "resellerId": "B8E08E60-19F7-4F95-AE29-A82D3CD53F84",
      "resellerName": "Reseller test",
      "resellerInternalId": "ResellerTest",
      "customerId": "2C741C83-E111-4A77-BC5F-C2F065275FA9",
      "customerName": "Customer name",
      "customerInternalId": "CustomerTest",
      "subscriptionId": "03DE5ECE-EC93-42A9-8F15-9A770AC1F832",
      "subscriptionName": "Microsoft 365",
      "subscriptionInternalId": "SubscriptionTest",
      "offerProviderId": "DZH318Z0BQJ7:01DJ",
      "offerName": "Azure Database for MySQL Single Server General Purpose - Compute Gen5, vCore, FR Central, 3 Years",
      "subscriptionPONumber": "8543943821",
      "orderId": "bhhVi9rL4_vCEmrrPdc",
      "orderDate": "2023-04-30T23:59:59",
      "customerCountry": "IE",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "chargeType": "cycleCharge",
      "termAndBillingCycle": "10K Read Operations",
      "chargeStartDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00",
      "chargeEndDate": "2023-04-30T23:59:59",
      "unitType": "1 Hour",
      "unitPrice": 2.72,
      "unitPriceForReseller": 2.72,
      "unitPriceForCustomer": 2.72,
      "quantity": 1,
      "subtotal": 2.72,
      "subtotalForReseller": 2.72,
      "subtotalForCustomer": 2.72,
      "tax": 0,
      "taxForReseller": 0,
      "taxForCustomer": 0,
      "total": 2.72,
      "totalForReseller": 2.72,
      "totalForCustomer": 2.72,
      "id": "7828D90D-2AC6-4F20-A95B-EE850BCD32A0",
      "resellerPriceMargin": 0,
      "pricingCurrency": "USD",
      "billingFrequency": "Monthly",
      "billableQuantity": 1,
      "resellerPriceMarginRule": "erpminusdiscount",
      "customerPriceMargin": 0,
      "customerPriceMarginRule": "erpminusdiscount",
      "subscriptionPriceMargin": 42.0,
      "subscriptionPriceMarginRule": "string",
      "providerData": {
        "ResellerMpnId": "6286",
        "CustomerCountry": "IE",
        "EffectiveUnitPrice": "30.95",
        "PCToBCExchangeRate": "1.0",
        "ReservationOrderId": "A202A58B-7041-46EE-D5BC-2D0F6FD22106"
      "erpPrice": 2.72,
      "erpProrated": 2.72,
      "customerProviderId": "CB0A371A-046A-46A9-A299-96BD755E67A8",
      "subscriptionProviderId": "FA2A91FD-7286-4DCD-9718-20048CCA832A",
      "subscriptionStartDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00",
      "subscriptionEndDate": "2023-04-30T23:59:59",
      "productType": "license"
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "resellerId": "B8E08E60-19F7-4F95-AE29-A82D3CD53F84",
      "resellerName": "Reseller test",
      "resellerInternalId": "ResellerTest",
      "customerId": "2C741C83-E111-4A77-BC5F-C2F065275FA9",
      "customerName": "Customer name",
      "customerInternalId": "CustomerTest",
      "subscriptionId": "03DE5ECE-EC93-42A9-8F15-9A770AC1F832",
      "subscriptionName": "Microsoft 365",
      "subscriptionInternalId": "SubscriptionTest",
      "offerProviderId": "DZH318Z0BQJ7:01DJ",
      "offerName": "Azure Database for MySQL Single Server General Purpose - Compute Gen5, vCore, FR Central, 3 Years",
      "subscriptionPONumber": "8543943821",
      "orderId": "bhhVi9rL4_vCEmrrPdc",
      "orderDate": "2023-04-30T23:59:59",
      "customerCountry": "IE",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "chargeType": "cycleCharge",
      "termAndBillingCycle": "10K Read Operations",
      "chargeStartDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00",
      "chargeEndDate": "2023-04-30T23:59:59",
      "unitType": "1 Hour",
      "unitPrice": 2.72,
      "unitPriceForReseller": 2.72,
      "unitPriceForCustomer": 2.72,
      "quantity": 1,
      "subtotal": 2.72,
      "subtotalForReseller": 2.72,
      "subtotalForCustomer": 2.72,
      "tax": 0,
      "taxForReseller": 0,
      "taxForCustomer": 0,
      "total": 2.72,
      "totalForReseller": 2.72,
      "totalForCustomer": 2.72,
      "id": "7828D90D-2AC6-4F20-A95B-EE850BCD32A0",
      "resellerPriceMargin": 0,
      "pricingCurrency": "USD",
      "billingFrequency": "Monthly",
      "billableQuantity": 1,
      "resellerPriceMarginRule": "erpminusdiscount",
      "customerPriceMargin": 0,
      "customerPriceMarginRule": "erpminusdiscount",
      "subscriptionPriceMargin": 42.0,
      "subscriptionPriceMarginRule": "string",
      "providerData": {
        "ResellerMpnId": "6286",
        "CustomerCountry": "IE",
        "EffectiveUnitPrice": "30.95",
        "PCToBCExchangeRate": "1.0",
        "ReservationOrderId": "A202A58B-7041-46EE-D5BC-2D0F6FD22106"
      "erpPrice": 2.72,
      "erpProrated": 2.72,
      "customerProviderId": "CB0A371A-046A-46A9-A299-96BD755E67A8",
      "subscriptionProviderId": "FA2A91FD-7286-4DCD-9718-20048CCA832A",
      "subscriptionStartDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00",
      "subscriptionEndDate": "2023-04-30T23:59:59",
      "productType": "license"
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 400,
  "type": "ValidationException",
  "description": "Validation failed: \\n -- PageSize: The page size must be between 1 and 2000 Severity: Error",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 400,
  "type": "ValidationException",
  "description": "Validation failed: \\n -- PageSize: The page size must be between 1 and 2000 Severity: Error",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (404)
  "statusCode": 404,
  "type": "EntityNotFoundException",
  "description": "No providers found for the tenant.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (404)
  "statusCode": 404,
  "type": "EntityNotFoundException",
  "description": "No providers found for the tenant.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 500,
  "type": "NullReferenceException",
  "description": "An error happened processing your request. Please contact support.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 500,
  "type": "NullReferenceException",
  "description": "An error happened processing your request. Please contact support.",
  "correlationId": "685043EA-6D49-4ACE-8BDB-CCE9D3E2DBD0"