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items array[object] | null
The items in this particular seek operation.
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resellerId string(uuid) | null
The id of the reseller associated to this charge. Can be null.
resellerName string | null
The name of the reseller.
resellerInternalId string | null
The internal id of the reseller associated with this charge.
customerId string(uuid) | null
The id of the customer associated to this charge. Can be null.
customerName string | null
The name of the customer.
customerInternalId string | null
The internal id of the customer associated with this charge.
subscriptionId string(uuid) | null
The id of the subscription associated to the charge. Can be null.
subscriptionName string | null
The name of the subscription.
subscriptionInternalId string | null
The internal id of the subscription associated with this charge.
offerProviderId string | null
The offer id on the provider's side that identifies the subscription associated to the charge.
offerName string | null
The name of the offer associated to the subscription.
subscriptionPONumber string | null
The purchase order number of the subscription associated with this charge.
orderId string | null
The id that identifies the order associated to the charge.
orderDate string(date-time) | null
The date the order was placed.
customerCountry string | null
The country in which the customer is located.
currency string | null
The currency associated with the line item.
chargeType string | null
The type of charge on this line item. Possible values for the Microsoft provider include:
- new: When you buy a new subscription.
- renew: When you renew your subscription.
- cycleCharge: Regular recurring charges for your subscription.
- addQuantity: Refunds and charges when you add seats.
- removeQuantity: Refunds and charges when you remove seats.
- moveQuantity: When you upgrade to an existing subscription.
- cancelImmediate: When you cancel your subscription.
- convert: When you change from a free trial to a paid subscription or upgrade to a new subscription.
- changeBillingPlan: Changing from monthly to yearly billing or vice versa.
- customerCredit: Credits for Azure, SLA, among others.
- extendTerm: When you are given a longer trial period.
termAndBillingCycle string | null
The term and billing cycle associated with this purchase.
chargeStartDate string(date-time)
The billing start date for this charge.
chargeEndDate string(date-time)
The billing end date for this charge.
unitType string | null
The type of the unit.
unitPrice number(double)
The price as published in the pricelist at the time of purchase.
unitPriceForReseller number(double) | null
The unit price for reseller.
unitPriceForCustomer number(double) | null
The unit price for customer.
quantity number(double)
The number of units purchased.
subtotal number(double)
The total before taxes.
subtotalForReseller number(double) | null
The total before taxes for the reseller.
subtotalForCustomer number(double) | null
The total before taxes for the customer.
tax number(double)
The tax value.
taxForReseller number(double) | null
The tax value for the reseller.
taxForCustomer number(double) | null
The tax value for the customer.
total number(double)
The total after taxes.
totalForReseller number(double) | null
The total for reseller after taxes.
totalForCustomer number(double) | null
The total for customer after taxes.
id string(uuid)
The id that uniquely identifies a one time invoice line item.
resellerPriceMargin number(double) | null
The reseller price margin according to ResellerPriceMarginRule.
pricingCurrency string | null
The currency of the UnitPrice, UnitPriceForReseller and UnitPriceForCustomer. This currency may differ from the invoice billing currency.
billingFrequency string | null
The billing cycle of the subscription associated to the charge. Can also be empty.
billableQuantity number(double)
The amount of units billed.
resellerPriceMarginRule string | null
The reseller price margin rule.
customerPriceMargin number(double) | null
The customer price margin according to CustomerPriceMarginRule.
customerPriceMarginRule string | null
The customer price margin rule.
subscriptionPriceMargin number(double) | null
The subscription price margin according to SubscriptionPriceMarginRule.
subscriptionPriceMarginRule string | null
The subscription price margin rule.
providerData object | null
A dictionary that maps from strings to strings that contains specific provider invoice data.
If this line item is associated to a Microsoft invoice then there are a set of properties that are common to each charge: PartnerId: The tenant id of the CSP in Microsoft. CustomerDomainName: The domain of the customer. InvoiceNumber: The id of the invoice in Microsoft. MpnId: The mpn id of the CSP. ProductId: The id of the product of the line item. SkuId: The id of the sku of the line item. AvailabilityId: The id of the availability of the line item. ProductName: The name of the product. SkuName: The name of the sku. PublisherName: The name of the publisher of the sku. PublisherId: The id of the publisher of the sku. AlternateId: The alternate id. MeterDescription: The description of the meter of the line item. ReferenceId: The reference id of the line item. ProductQualifiers: Any qualifiers of the sku, such as indicating if it is a trial.
The following properties only appear in some types of charges, see below: CustomerCountry: The country of the customer associated to the charge in two letter ISO format, example: "PT". ResellerMpnId: The mpn id of the reseller associated to the charge. If no reseller is associated then this property is not present, example: "6286". PriceAdjustmentDescription: A list of strings representing reasons for list price adjustments, for example when Partner Earned Credit is granted, example: "["Price for given term"]". If no adjustments were made then this property is not present. PCToBCExchangeRate: A decimal value used to convert the ListPrice from the pricing currency to the invoice currency, example: "0.9510675734". PCToBCExchangeRateDate: The date of the above exchange rate. CreditReasonCode: The reason for azure credits, example: "Azure Credit". EffectiveUnitPrice: The actual price billed per single quantity after the adjustments described in PriceAdjustmentDescription, example: "30.95". PromotionId: The id of the promotion that was used to bill the NCE license charge example: "39NFJQT1PGVJ:004S:39NFJQT1Q5Z1". If no promotion was applied then this property is not present. ReservationOrderId: For Azure Savings Plan this property corresponds to the savings plan order id on the Azure platform, example: "2D0D3389-D0D9-44D2-8BB4-441F5CD6D8CC". For Azure reservations this is the reservation order id, example: "8A05BC26-0542-4B6F-B97F-ECA5BAC54E9E". Term: The term applied to NCE license charges. Possible values include: "onemonth", "oneyear", "threeyears".
For Azure plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, CreditReasonCode, EffectiveUnitPrice. For Azure savings plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, ReservationOrderId. For Azure reservation the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, CreditReasonCode, ReservationOrderId. For NCE license the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, PromotionId, Term. For software/perpetual software the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice.
Hide providerData attributes Show providerData attributes object | null
key string
A dictionary that maps from strings to strings that contains specific provider invoice data.
If this line item is associated to a Microsoft invoice then there are a set of properties that are common to each charge: PartnerId: The tenant id of the CSP in Microsoft. CustomerDomainName: The domain of the customer. InvoiceNumber: The id of the invoice in Microsoft. MpnId: The mpn id of the CSP. ProductId: The id of the product of the line item. SkuId: The id of the sku of the line item. AvailabilityId: The id of the availability of the line item. ProductName: The name of the product. SkuName: The name of the sku. PublisherName: The name of the publisher of the sku. PublisherId: The id of the publisher of the sku. AlternateId: The alternate id. MeterDescription: The description of the meter of the line item. ReferenceId: The reference id of the line item. ProductQualifiers: Any qualifiers of the sku, such as indicating if it is a trial.
The following properties only appear in some types of charges, see below: CustomerCountry: The country of the customer associated to the charge in two letter ISO format, example: "PT". ResellerMpnId: The mpn id of the reseller associated to the charge. If no reseller is associated then this property is not present, example: "6286". PriceAdjustmentDescription: A list of strings representing reasons for list price adjustments, for example when Partner Earned Credit is granted, example: "["Price for given term"]". If no adjustments were made then this property is not present. PCToBCExchangeRate: A decimal value used to convert the ListPrice from the pricing currency to the invoice currency, example: "0.9510675734". PCToBCExchangeRateDate: The date of the above exchange rate. CreditReasonCode: The reason for azure credits, example: "Azure Credit". EffectiveUnitPrice: The actual price billed per single quantity after the adjustments described in PriceAdjustmentDescription, example: "30.95". PromotionId: The id of the promotion that was used to bill the NCE license charge example: "39NFJQT1PGVJ:004S:39NFJQT1Q5Z1". If no promotion was applied then this property is not present. ReservationOrderId: For Azure Savings Plan this property corresponds to the savings plan order id on the Azure platform, example: "2D0D3389-D0D9-44D2-8BB4-441F5CD6D8CC". For Azure reservations this is the reservation order id, example: "8A05BC26-0542-4B6F-B97F-ECA5BAC54E9E". Term: The term applied to NCE license charges. Possible values include: "onemonth", "oneyear", "threeyears".
For Azure plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, CreditReasonCode, EffectiveUnitPrice. For Azure savings plan the properties are: ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, ReservationOrderId. For Azure reservation the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, CreditReasonCode, ReservationOrderId. For NCE license the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice, PromotionId, Term. For software/perpetual software the properties are: CustomerCountry, ResellerMpnId, PriceAdjustmentDescription, PCToBCExchangeRate, EffectiveUnitPrice.
erpPrice number(double)
The ERP for the whole term of the subscription associated to the charge, at the time indicated in SubscriptionStartDate.
erpProrated number(double) | null
The actual ERP used on the charge taking in to account if the charge is a prorated one. This value can be negative when we are dealing with refunds/credits.
customerProviderId string | null
The id of customer on the provider's side associated to this charge.
subscriptionProviderId string | null
The id of the subscription associated to this charge on the provider's side.
subscriptionStartDate string(date-time) | null
The start date of billing for the subscription. This value can change once a subscription renews. If it renews, then on the next invoice this property is updated too.
subscriptionEndDate string(date-time) | null
The end date of the term of the subscription.
productType string | null
The type of the offer associated with this charge. Possible values:
- license.
- softwaresubscription.
- perpetualsoftware.
- azureplan.
- azurereservation.
- azurelegacy.
- azuresavingsplan.
continuationToken string | null
The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items. Should not be set if the first page of items is desired.