List all audit logs

GET /v1/AuditLogs

Returns a list of your audit logs. The audit logs are returned sorted by Timestamp, with the most recent audit logs appearing first. Available to the roles: csp, reseller


  • X-Tenant string Required

    The domain used to access the portal.

  • Authorization string Required

    JWT Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. Example: "Authorization: Bearer {token}"

    Default value is Bearer eyJ0eXAiO....

  • X-Correlation-Id string(UUID)

    This header is optional and by setting it you can correlate the audit logs made by this request.

Query parameters

  • PageNumber integer(int32)

    A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. The default value is 1.

  • PageSize integer(int32)

    The number of objects to be returned at each page. The size can range between 1 and 2000, and the default is 25.

  • StartDate string(date-time)

    The start date for the interval to filter the audit logs. The default value is 1 month ago.

  • EndDate string(date-time)

    The end date for the interval to filter the audit logs. The default value is current date time.

  • A string containing the operations to filter by. This string is a list separated by |. ex: CreateOrder|CreateCustomer

  • Status string

    The audit log status to filter by. Possible values: Processing, Succeded, Failed

  • Reseller string

    The reseller name to search by. This field searches for a substring so the provided string as a whole must be a present in the desired reseller name.

  • Customer string

    The customer name to search by. This field searches for a substring so the provided string as a whole must be a present in the desired customer name.

  • resellerId string(uuid)

    The reseller identifier. View the audit logs as the specified resellerId.


  • OK

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items for this page.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • id string(uuid)

        The GUID identifier for the audit log.

      • customer string | null

        The company name of the customer affected by this audit log. Can be null if no customer was affected.

      • reseller string | null

        The company name of the reseller affected by this audit log. Can be null if no reseller was affected.

      • timestamp string(date-time)

        The timestamp when the audit log was first created.

      • operation string | null

        The name of the operation for this audit log.

      • status object

        The status of the audit log. Possible values: Processing, Succeded or Failed

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide status attribute Show status attribute object
        • name string | null

          The name of the enumeration.

      • user string | null

        The email of the user that initiated this audit log.

      • origin object

        The origin of the audit log. Possible values: User, API or System

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide origin attribute Show origin attribute object
        • name string | null

          The name of the enumeration.

      • entityType string | null

        The type of the entity affected in this audit log.

      • entityId string(uuid) | null

        The entity identifier affected in this audit log.

      • oldValues object | null

        A dictionary with keys of value string and values of type object that contain the old property values of the entity that was affected. If the entity was created this property will be null.

      • newValues object | null

        A dictionary with keys of value string and values of type object that contain the new property values of the entity that was affected. If the entity was deleted this property will be null.

      • message string | null

        The message of the audit log.

      • correlationId string(uuid) | null

        The correlation id of the audit log.

    • A model that is used to encapsulate the parameters needed to perform pagination queries.

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide paginationParameters attributes Show paginationParameters attributes object
      • pageNumber integer(int32)

        Indicates the number of the current page.

      • pageSize integer(int32)

        The number of items that should be returned at most per page.

    • totalPages integer(int32)

      The total number of pages available for the specified parameters and page size.

    • totalCount integer(int32)

      The total number of results available for the specified parameters. Note this is typically not equal to the Count of items in the Items property, will only be equal if all the items fit in the first page.

    • Indicates if there is a previous page.

    • Indicates if there is a next page.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items for this page.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • id string(uuid)

        The GUID identifier for the audit log.

      • customer string | null

        The company name of the customer affected by this audit log. Can be null if no customer was affected.

      • reseller string | null

        The company name of the reseller affected by this audit log. Can be null if no reseller was affected.

      • timestamp string(date-time)

        The timestamp when the audit log was first created.

      • operation string | null

        The name of the operation for this audit log.

      • status object

        The status of the audit log. Possible values: Processing, Succeded or Failed

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide status attribute Show status attribute object
        • name string | null

          The name of the enumeration.

      • user string | null

        The email of the user that initiated this audit log.

      • origin object

        The origin of the audit log. Possible values: User, API or System

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide origin attribute Show origin attribute object
        • name string | null

          The name of the enumeration.

      • entityType string | null

        The type of the entity affected in this audit log.

      • entityId string(uuid) | null

        The entity identifier affected in this audit log.

      • oldValues object | null

        A dictionary with keys of value string and values of type object that contain the old property values of the entity that was affected. If the entity was created this property will be null.

      • newValues object | null

        A dictionary with keys of value string and values of type object that contain the new property values of the entity that was affected. If the entity was deleted this property will be null.

      • message string | null

        The message of the audit log.

      • correlationId string(uuid) | null

        The correlation id of the audit log.

    • A model that is used to encapsulate the parameters needed to perform pagination queries.

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide paginationParameters attributes Show paginationParameters attributes object
      • pageNumber integer(int32)

        Indicates the number of the current page.

      • pageSize integer(int32)

        The number of items that should be returned at most per page.

    • totalPages integer(int32)

      The total number of pages available for the specified parameters and page size.

    • totalCount integer(int32)

      The total number of results available for the specified parameters. Note this is typically not equal to the Count of items in the Items property, will only be equal if all the items fit in the first page.

    • Indicates if there is a previous page.

    • Indicates if there is a next page.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • items array[object] | null

      The items for this page.

      Hide items attributes Show items attributes object
      • id string(uuid)

        The GUID identifier for the audit log.

      • customer string | null

        The company name of the customer affected by this audit log. Can be null if no customer was affected.

      • reseller string | null

        The company name of the reseller affected by this audit log. Can be null if no reseller was affected.

      • timestamp string(date-time)

        The timestamp when the audit log was first created.

      • operation string | null

        The name of the operation for this audit log.

      • status object

        The status of the audit log. Possible values: Processing, Succeded or Failed

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide status attribute Show status attribute object
        • name string | null

          The name of the enumeration.

      • user string | null

        The email of the user that initiated this audit log.

      • origin object

        The origin of the audit log. Possible values: User, API or System

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide origin attribute Show origin attribute object
        • name string | null

          The name of the enumeration.

      • entityType string | null

        The type of the entity affected in this audit log.

      • entityId string(uuid) | null

        The entity identifier affected in this audit log.

      • oldValues object | null

        A dictionary with keys of value string and values of type object that contain the old property values of the entity that was affected. If the entity was created this property will be null.

      • newValues object | null

        A dictionary with keys of value string and values of type object that contain the new property values of the entity that was affected. If the entity was deleted this property will be null.

      • message string | null

        The message of the audit log.

      • correlationId string(uuid) | null

        The correlation id of the audit log.

    • A model that is used to encapsulate the parameters needed to perform pagination queries.

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide paginationParameters attributes Show paginationParameters attributes object
      • pageNumber integer(int32)

        Indicates the number of the current page.

      • pageSize integer(int32)

        The number of items that should be returned at most per page.

    • totalPages integer(int32)

      The total number of pages available for the specified parameters and page size.

    • totalCount integer(int32)

      The total number of results available for the specified parameters. Note this is typically not equal to the Count of items in the Items property, will only be equal if all the items fit in the first page.

    • Indicates if there is a previous page.

    • Indicates if there is a next page.

    • continuationToken string | null

      The token to continue to retrieve the paginated items.

  • Bad Request

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • propertyName string | null

        The name of the property involved in the error.

      • description array[string] | null

        A description of each error associated with the given property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • propertyName string | null

        The name of the property involved in the error.

      • description array[string] | null

        A description of each error associated with the given property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • propertyName string | null

        The name of the property involved in the error.

      • description array[string] | null

        A description of each error associated with the given property.

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • propertyName string | null

        The name of the property involved in the error.

      • description array[string] | null

        A description of each error associated with the given property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • propertyName string | null

        The name of the property involved in the error.

      • description array[string] | null

        A description of each error associated with the given property.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • statusCode integer(int32)

      The HTTP status code that represents a specific error scenario.

    • type string | null

      The type of error that occurred.

    • description string | null

      Describes the error scenario that occurred.

    • correlationId string | null

      The correlationId of the request that originated the error.

    • errors array[object] | null

      A list containing the detail of the errors that occurred in this error scenario.

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • propertyName string | null

        The name of the property involved in the error.

      • description array[string] | null

        A description of each error associated with the given property.

GET /v1/AuditLogs
curl \
 --request GET \
 --header "X-Tenant:" \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiO..." \
 --header "X-Correlation-Id: string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "id": "string",
      "customer": "string",
      "reseller": "string",
      "timestamp": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
      "operation": "string",
      "status": {
        "name": "string"
      "user": "string",
      "origin": {
        "name": "string"
      "entityType": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "oldValues": {},
      "newValues": {},
      "message": "string",
      "correlationId": "string"
  "paginationParameters": {
    "pageNumber": 42,
    "pageSize": 42
  "totalPages": 42,
  "totalCount": 42,
  "hasPreviousPage": true,
  "hasNextPage": true,
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
      "id": "string",
      "customer": "string",
      "reseller": "string",
      "timestamp": "2025-05-04T09:42:00Z",
      "operation": "string",
      "status": {
        "name": "string"
      "user": "string",
      "origin": {
        "name": "string"
      "entityType": "string",
      "entityId": "string",
      "oldValues": {},
      "newValues": {},
      "message": "string",
      "correlationId": "string"
  "paginationParameters": {
    "pageNumber": 42,
    "pageSize": 42
  "totalPages": 42,
  "totalCount": 42,
  "hasPreviousPage": true,
  "hasNextPage": true,
  "continuationToken": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [
Response examples (400)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [
Response examples (500)
  "statusCode": 42,
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "correlationId": "string",
  "errors": [
      "propertyName": "string",
      "description": [