Create an Order
Creates a new Order with the provided OrderViewModel and returns a model with the created order id.
The domain used to access the portal.
X-Correlation-Id string(UUID)
This header is optional and by setting it you can correlate the audit logs made by this request.
The order info to create the order.
id string(uuid)
The GUID identifier for the order.
The GUID identifier for the offer.
The GUID identifier for the customer.
resellerId string(uuid) | null
The GUID identifier for the reseller.
The GUID identifier for the provider instance.
The name to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.
The term duration for this entity. Possible values: NoTerm, OneMonth, OneYear, ThreeYears or FiveYears
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
The billing frequency for this entity. Possible values: OneTime, Monthly, Annual, Triennial or None
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
The offer segment. Possible values: Commercial, Education, Government or NonProfit
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
The order operation type. Possible values: CreateSubscription
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
The quantity of licenses to provision for this order.
subscriptionMargin object
This value object contains the price margin for this entity.
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
subscriptionInternalId string | null
The internal identifier to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.
poNumber string | null
The po number to set in the subscription created by this order. This may be up to 255 characters.
autoRenewEnabled boolean
The flag indicating if we want to create the subscription in this order with auto renew enabled or not.
The status of the order. Possible values: Processing, Provisioning, Completed or Failed
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
createdDate string(date-time)
The date in which this order was created.
providerData string | null
The provider specific data for this order. For generic provider subscriptions, this should not be set.
parentSubscriptionId string(uuid) | null
The GUID identifier for the parent subscription of this order.
errorMessage string | null
The error message if status is failed.
curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-Tenant:" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiO..." \
--header "X-Correlation-Id: string" \
--data '{"id":"string","offerId":"string","customerId":"string","resellerId":"string","providerInstanceId":"string","subscriptionName":"string","termDuration":{},"billingFrequency":{},"segment":{},"operation":{},"quantity":42,"subscriptionMargin":{"marginRule":{}},"subscriptionInternalId":"string","poNumber":"string","autoRenewEnabled":true,"status":{},"createdDate":"2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00","providerData":"string","parentSubscriptionId":"string","errorMessage":"string"}'
# Headers
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiO...
X-Correlation-Id: string
# Payload
"id": "string",
"offerId": "string",
"customerId": "string",
"resellerId": "string",
"providerInstanceId": "string",
"subscriptionName": "string",
"termDuration": {},
"billingFrequency": {},
"segment": {},
"operation": {},
"quantity": 42,
"subscriptionMargin": {
"marginRule": {}
"subscriptionInternalId": "string",
"poNumber": "string",
"autoRenewEnabled": true,
"status": {},
"createdDate": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
"providerData": "string",
"parentSubscriptionId": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
"orderId": "573b2955-f31f-4edd-9a52-0226e0b0111f"
"statusCode": 42,
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
"correlationId": "string",
"errors": [
"propertyName": "string",
"description": [
"statusCode": 42,
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
"correlationId": "string",
"errors": [
"propertyName": "string",
"description": [